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Glass Jewellery

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Shevchenko Talks

Glass Jewellery on Ethnically Ukrainian Lands from Antiquity to the Present I Мистецтво Скляних Прикрас на Теренах Етнічної України від Давнини до Сучасності

online presentation by Marharyta Puhachenko (in Ukrainian language)

Sunday, January 28, 2024, 12 - 2 PM EST (Toronto time), 19 - 21 (Kyiv time)


This lecture examines the history and development of glass jewellery on ethnically Ukrainian lands from antiquity to the present.

This presentation will be in the Ukrainian language.

About the Presenter:

Marharyta Puhachenko, graduate student of the Kyiv Borys Hrinchenko University.

To watch the recording of this lecture on the Shevchenko Museum YouTube channel please click here.