Become a Donor

The Shevchenko Museum is a non-profit organization with the goal of popularizing the life and work of the Bard of Ukraine, and the contribution of Canadians of Ukrainian descent to the social, economic and cultural life of Canada.

Visitors of the Museum are not charged admission. Our website is free from advertisements. We rely entirely on donations to fund new exhibits, expand the research library, organize educational projects and maintain the building and our collections. All donations are greatly appreciated.

Your donation is safe, secure, and private, and helps support the issues you care about.

The Shevchenko Museum acknowledges its supporters and contributors by mailing and online. Your name and donation will be listed on the Museum’s Newsletter.

Donate via postal mail

You can send donations via mail to The Shevchenko Museum at the following address:

1604 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario, M6P 1A7, Canada

If sending donations from outside Canada, please note that an international money order or a check payable on a Canadian bank would be appreciated. International postal money orders payable in Canada are available in post offices in many countries and will ensure your complete donation goes to the Shevchenko Museum.

You can remember someone special or give a gift of memory to someone who was close to you with a Memorial donation. A gift card will be sent to you. Make sure you provide contact information below to receive your acknowledgment gift card. You can also remember us in your will.

Donation Information
Please enter the amount.
Please enter your first name.
Please enter your last name.
Please select your country.
Please enter your street address.
Please enter your city.
Please select your province.
Please enter your postal code.
Please enter your postal code.
Include if applicable.
We'll never share your email.
Please provide your email address.
E.g., 416-123-1234
Card Info
Please enter the credit care number.
Please enter the expiry month.
Enter the expiry year.
Enter the CVV number.

For further information you can call 416-534-8662, or email