Shevchenko Talks
Folk Celebrations in Lviv: Stritennia (Candlemas), presentation and workshop by Nadia Dzvonyk (Lviv)
Sunday, February 9, 2020, 2:30 pm
Shevchenko Museum, 1604 Bloor Street West, Toronto
As Winter prepares to meet Summer and Spring rituals begin, the Shevchenko Museum invites you to the upcoming event in our monthly series, Shevchenko Museum Talks, to be held on Sunday, February 9 at 2:30 pm. Please join our guest, Nadia Dzvonyk, head of the ethnocultural department of the Lviv Museum of Folk Architecture and Customs who will speak on folk celebrations in Lviv followed by a workshop.The event will be conducted in Ukrainian with English translation for the workshop. Bring your children and learn how to make yourself a Candlemas candle! The entrance is free with a $10 charge per person for the workshop. Light refreshments will be served.
2:30 pm: doors open
3:00 pm: talk. Free admission
3:45 pm: workshop "Make yourself a Candlemas candle" ($10 per person)
Light Refreshments